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I work with people to get their stories straight. Whether you’re writing a feature length script, a novel, or your first comedy hour, I can help you every step of the way. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know where to start, don’t know how to wrap it up, or don’t know heads from tails - I’m here to guide you. Have questions? Get in touch below.

Movie Clapboard

Script Editing

So, you've written a screenplay... but it's too long, the story arc is wonky and every seems to hate your main character. Fret not! I'll read your script,  provide a comprehensive brief with guidance, and chat through as many drafts as you need. I also offer Script reading  and script report services.


Comedy Show

Comedy Hours
(Stand Up)

Doing your first fringe, or your debut hour? Looking at an hour long string of jokes and asking ‘what’s the story in this?' I provide feedback on story structure over several sessions: workshopping initial shape, giving notes on Work In Progress, and then finessing before debut. Bespoke sessions available on request. 

Pages of Book

Story Edit

All description no structure? All structure no  character? Completely in the thick of your book unable to see the forest or the trees? I'll read your work, write a comprehensive brief with guidance for next steps, and meet you online or IRL to break it down. Don't worry - together we've got this!

Katelyn Wells,  

One Foot Over the Edge (Screenwriter)

Winner - Toronto International Women’s Film Festival Best Unproduced Script, Finalist, Lonely Seal International Film Festival.

"(Heather's) feedback was invaluable in helping mould my film into the vision I had set out to create. While I declined the help of other script editors, Heather was the first to offer notes on how to focus the direction of my screenplay in ways that respected the vision I had."

Krystal Evans, 

The Hottest Girl at Burn Camp (Comedy Hour)

​Now releasing as a memoir through Octopus Books

“The story was there, the jokes were there, but Heather jump started me in finding the humour and shape of Hottest Girl at Burn Camp. She helped me prioritise what would make the whole thing really light up.” 

Julie Newing,

Upcoming Novel

"I was at the point where I had been slogging away at my manuscript for a while and knew it required another eye! Heather's brilliant suggestions of how to add detail and make characters sing were desperately needed. I would thoroughly recommend handing your work over to Heather for her expert advice."
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